Solar energy is power from the sun. You probably have seen a solar panel once or twice, but never knew how important they really are. They produce renewable energy. The difference between renewable and non-renewable energy is very simple: renewable energy (sun,wind and water) can be used over and over, without being used up! But non-renewable energy (wood, coal, oil and natural gas) are resources, that if used too much, will be gone forever. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. Solar panel prices are dropping, so they will be more affordable (note from ecosavvymom: tell your parents they can get special tax credits for this!) You might have one someday too! Last week I interviewed Jon Budreski from Solar Works Inc (www.solar-works.com). Here are some of the questions I asked him:
Q. How long have solar panels been around?
A. Well over 50/75 years. The first solar electric cells were in the 1950's.
Q. Do solar panels have to be a certain size?
A. No, they can be any size. If you are putting panels on your house they are usually 2 x 4 feet. You can put on as many as you roof line can hold.
Q. How much energy can a solar panel provide a house?
A. Solar panels make up a solar ray of about 10 to 20 panels. This can produce about 80-100% of your electrical needs! WOW! Most systems produce 50-75% of the energy needed in your home and you can get a state rebate too! (find out more about your state here: http://www.dsireusa.org/)
Q.Will a solar panel still work if it is cloudy?
A. Yes. Some of the solar cells catch the low-band wavelengths even on a cloudy day! They can still produce energy.
Q How did you get involved in solar energy?
A. I have an environmental background and did research in water quality. My degree is in Natural Resouces Management.
QUIZ: Guess which state in New England has more solar panels per capita than any state in the nation? Hint...Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and some awesome skiing! Yep...Vermont!
Thanks again Jon! You were awesome!! I hope all of you found this interesting and maybe, in the future, everybody will have solar energy. Then we will all be green! Check out this cool stuff to learn more:
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